
Web Design / Logo Design

* Includes logo design

Various Entertainment Cruise Productions / Jazz Cruises websites

Various Cruise Sites
St. Louis, MO

Information: During my time at Entertainment Cruise Productions and Jazz Cruises, LLC., we overhauled the design of all of their cruise sites. I developed the new modern sites with a custom WordPress template and Advanced Custom Fields. We focused on usability, search engine optimization (SEO), user experience (UX), and load times.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields Pro (ACF), JavaScript, jQuery, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 4, 5.

2024 The Smooth Jazz Cruise site: https://2024.thesmoothjazzcruise.com

Patrick Codo website

Patrick Codo
Chicago, IL

Information: Launched in August 2019.
A Chicago sports broadcaster website. A simple website showcasing the broadcaster's experience and background.

Technologies Used to Design: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 4.

URL: http://patrickcodo.com

Section 312 website

Section 312*
Chicago, IL

Information: Launched in February 2019.
A Chicago sports podcast website. Features 4 pages and content management using WordPress.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 4.

URL: http://section312.com

SIUE Lovejoy Library Omeka website

Lovejoy Library - Digital Exhibits
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Information: Launched in August 2019.
I created a theme for Lovejoy Library digital exhibits based on SIUE marketing standards. The content management system is Omeka. Completed during employment at SIUE.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, PHP

URL: https://digitallis.isg.siue.edu/

SIUE Lovejoy Library LibGuides website

Lovejoy Library - Research Guides
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Information: Launched in January 2019.
I created a theme for Lovejoy Library research guides based on SIUE marketing standards. The content management system is LibGuides. Completed during employment at SIUE.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery

URL: https://libguides.siue.edu/

Shiloh Cabinetry website

Shiloh Cabinetry
W. W. Wood Products

Information: Launched in February 2019.
A public-facing marketing website for Shiloh Cabinetry. Major front-end development completed during employment at W. W. Wood Products.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript, jQuery, Angular, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 4.

URL: http://www.shilohcabinetry.com

About Employment

W. W. Wood Products website

W. W. Wood Products, Inc.
Dudley, MO

Information: Laucnhed in April 2018.
W. W. Wood Products is a major supplier of cabinetry based in southeast Missouri. This one-page website introduces the world to W. W. Wood Products with its responsive design and user-friendliness. Completed during employment at W. W. Wood Products.

URL: http://www.wwwoodproducts.com

About Employment

W. W. Wood Products

W. W. Wood Products
Internal Projects (July 2017 - June 2018)

Information: Developed the front-end portions of multiple internal projects to aid in production.

About Employment

Aspect Cabinetry

Aspect Cabinetry
W. W. Wood Products

Information: Launched in January 2018.
A public-facing marketing website for Aspect Cabinetry. Completed during employment at W. W. Wood Products.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular JS, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 4.

URL: https://aspectcabinetry.com

About Employment

SIU class project

Class Project
Southern Illinois University

Information: Completed May 2017
This class project was a project management project with 4 students. I developed the entire website. It is a directory of our team's favorite places in the Carbondale area, separated by category. I stored the data in a MySQL database and pulled it via PHP.

Technologies I Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 3.

URL: http://ist404.mattgrossonline.com/

Under Construction

Ascend SIU
Carbondale, IL

Information: In Development
I was on a student web development team at SIU where we developed a website for a nonprofit organization as part of an AITP competition. That year, our client was Ascend, a Registered Student Organization at SIU. I participated in the database and front-end aspects of the site.

Technologies I Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Responsive Design with Semantic UI

URL: In Development

M&M Storage

M&M Storage*
Centralia, IL

Information: Design completed in July 2016.
I designed and maintain this storage facility's website. The responsive design will fit anybody's computer, tablet, and phone screen. It features 4 pages.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 3

URL: http://mandmstoragecentralia.com

SIU University Housing Dining

SIU University Housing - Menu
Carbondale, IL

Information: I coded the pre-existing web app, NetNutrition, to match the SIU University Housing brand.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3

URL: http://nutrition.housing.siu.edu/NetNutrition/1

SIU Bowling Club

SIU Bowling Club
Carbondale, IL

Information: Finished design in October 2015.
Without an existing website, I designed and maintain this responsive website. The site has 5 pages with an events page, a roster page, and a contact form.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 3

URL: http://siubowling.com (No Longer Live)

Kaskaskia Valley Apartments

Kaskaskia Valley Apartments, LLC*
Centralia, IL

Information: Finished design in August 2015.
This startup student housing business asked me to design a website for them. The responsive site includes 4 pages and a contact form.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 3

URL: http://kaskaskiavalleyapt.com (No Longer Live)

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Redeemer Lutheran Church*
Centralia, IL

Information: Finished design in August 2015.
This church’s previous web design needed some updating. In 2015, I redesigned the website with modern, responsive functionality. RSS feeds displaying their weekly blog posts, a Google calendar, and a Google Drive folder view to display public files enabled visitors with more ways to interact with the site.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design with Bootstrap 3

Old URL: http://redeemerlutheranelca.com (No Longer Live)
New Site: http://broadwayandpine.com

There has been other projects in addition to these in the past, but those projects are now offline. The previous projects included web design for Cub Scout Pack & Boy Scout Troop 260 in Centralia, IL, and the old Redeemer Lutheran Church design.

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